Other Sites
Below are several other Adobe Authorware-oriented websites which
will help answer your questions and speed development. Unfortunately most of these are no longer maintained or are offline. If you have the Authorware CD though, be aware there is an Xtra SDK on every Authorware
one (make your own)! |
Online Courses A free resource with a collection of open college course spanning videos, audio lectures, and notes given by professors at Harvard, Princeton and MIT for those who want to explore additional educational topics |
Affordable Colleges Online "Online Colleges and E-Learning Best Practices - A student's guide to online education, from getting started to graduation. Learn keys to success and important how-tos from today's leading distance learning experts." |
Authorware.com Excellent resource for all things Authorware maintained by recognized "gurus" Joe Ganci and Chris Swenson. |
Authorware Technotes Adobe's Authorware Technotes - a good compilation of the more frequently asked questions, ranging from old to new. |
Authorware Listserve While traffic has dropped dramatically, a lot of folks still monitor the list; it's s till a great resource for knowledgable discussion, or at least to search the archives for any relevant solutions. |
Cape Media Multimedia Development Professionals - from websites to e-learning courseware. Authorware experts offering Authorware-friendly web hosting and related multimedia services. |
Mike's Resource Site Mike Ebray maintains this site of excellent Authorware tools and examples. Checkout his 'Fast Form Maker' and RTF Object example. Most examples are in A'ware 4 format which is helpful to both those still using older versions and the latest (though A'ware 7 will require those to be upgraded to version 5 first). |
Gantek Multimedia Steve Gannon's contributions to the Community. Another good example of using the WinCtrls.u32 can be found here, along with many other useful samples. |
Magic Modules Gary Smith's resource site; home of the venerated Buddy .u32's and Xtras, including BuddyAPI. |
Adobe's Authorware Forum Adobe hosts their own forums for discussions and helpful answers to most all development problems. |
WinAPI documentation Actual documentation site is gone but visit Microsoft's MSDN site where many WinAPI functions can be figured-out. |
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